Rubrique OVNI : Rapport McDonald suite F

·         21. Young, M., 1967; USOs Top Secret, New York, Simon & Schuster, 150 pp.

·         22. Time Magazine, July 14, 1947, p. 18.

·         23. Fuller, C., 1950: The Flying Saucers - Fact or Fiction?, Flying Magazine, July 1950, p. 17.

·         24. Menzel, D. H., 1953: Flying Saucers, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 319 pp.

·         25. Menzel, D.H., and L.G. Boyd, 1963: The World of Flying Saucers, Garden City, New York, Doubleday & Co., 302 pp.

·         26. Shalett, S., 1949: What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers, Saturday Evening Post, April 30, 1949, and May 7, 1949.

·         27. CSI Newsletter, No. 11, February 29, 1956 (Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York).

·         28. Flying, June 1951, p. 23.

·         29. Davidson, L., 1966; Flying Saucers: An Analysis of the Air Force Project Bluebook Special Report No. 14, Ramsey, New Jersey, Ramsey-Wallace Corp.

·         30. American Society of Newspaper Editors, 1967; Problems of Journalism, Proceedings of the 1967 Convention of the ASNE, April 20-22, 1967, Washington, D.C., 296 pp.

·         31. Keyhoe, D.E., 1950: Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer, True Magazine, August 1950, p. 24.

·         32. Salt Lake Tribune, Tuesday, October 3, 1961, p. 1.

·         33. UFO Investigator, Vol. 3, No. 11, Jan-Feb 1967.

·         34. LANS, 1960: Report on an Unidentified Flying Object Over Hollywood, California, Feb. 5, 1960 and Feb. 6, 1960, Los Angeles NICAP Sub- committee, 21 pp., mimeo.

·         35. UFO Investigator, Vol. 1, No. 12, April 1961.

·         36. McDonald, J.E., 1968: UFOs - An International Scientific Problem, paper presented at a Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Montreal, Canada, March 12, 1968.

·         37. Darrach, H.B., Jr., and Robert Ginna, 1952: "Have We Visitors from Space?", Life Magazine, April 7, p. 80 ff.

·         38. Zigel, F., 1968: "Unidentified Flying Objects," Soviet Life, February, 1968, No. 2 (137), pp. 27-29.

·         39. Klass, Philip J., 1968: UFOs - Identified, New York, Random House, 290 pp.

·         40. International News Service, datelined Sept. 12, 1951, Dover, Del.

·         41. New York Times, June 2, 1954; New York World Telegram, June 1, 1954; New York Post, June 1, 1954; New York Daily News, June 2, 1954.

·         42. Official file on October 15, 1948 Fukuoka case, Project Bluebook.

·         43. Melbourne (Australia) Sun, December 16, 1954; Melbourne Herald, December 16, 1954; Auckland Star, December 16, 1954.

·         44. Los Angeles Times, May 9, 1957; New York Journal-American, May 10, 1957.

·         45. APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1965, p. 1-4.


James McDonald, l'auteur du rapport (1920-1971)

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